Saturday, January 9, 2010

Submit Sitemap to Google, Yahoo and Bing

Sitemaps are text files, this contains all web pages that exist on your blog. It is very important to create your sitemaps because it helps Google and other search engines coming to your blog/site. So, definitely this increases your traffic.

Follow these steps:

1. Login to your Blogger Account
2. At your dashboard, find the Webmaster Tools, then enable it.
3. If you're asked to login again, login.
4. After logging in, click Add a Sitemap
5. Now you may enter your address, don't forget to include "/" at the end.
6. You will be asked to verify it, then verify.
7. Then click, Submit a Sitemap.
8. Add the following codes.


9. Then visit this tool page to submit sitemap at google, yahoo and bing.

Let me now if you have problems doing it, just post your comments. I'll try to solve them.

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