Yesterday i quit for being a pledge of Alpha Phi Omega, an international service fraternity and sorority. I think all of my consequence for quitting,of course it's really a great mess for our family because all of them were active members. I don't really care if our Omega day is on 23rd of november. I QUIT because i don't want to risk my responsibility, i feel discouragement and so it simply shows that I'm not determined enough to continue and have the organization.
It's really a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT for them. They too concern about their status in their oragnization, they even told me tha't "IT WILL NEVER BEEN LIKE BEFORE". Yah! it merely says that they put gaps on me, their treament will change. It really put me into out-of-focus, it's up to them whether they respect and understand my decision or they'll put hatred on me because of putting them into disgrace.
I do stilll have my friends anyway (APOCALYPSE), though it's really different when your relationship with your family is ok, that's a BIG YES YES!. Do I still have a choice?*crying*
i'm crying really hard when i'm typing this post.. T.T
.i want to have a PEACEFUL FAMILY like the set above.
.i want to have a PEACEFUL FAMILY like the set above.